Frequently Asked Questions

What is a PEO?

HIGHPOINT RESOURCES INC is a Professional Employer Organization (PEO).  HRI enters into a co-employer             relationship with your company, allowing us to share and manage many             employer-related liabilities and responsibilities. Your company can             outsource human resources to HRI while maintaining complete control.  HRI provides Payroll             Administration, Liability Insurance, and Workers' Compensation services             and assumes the administrative management of employees.

Highpoint Resources Inc is  the leader of the PEO industry for contractors. We continually  integrate new technology and features into our services, providing  cutting-edge services and technology.

What is Co-Employment?

Co-employment is a special arrangement between your company and HRI.             This arrangement provides a full range of services by transferring or             sharing many employer liabilities. Workers become employees of two             employers: Your company retains supervision for production or delivery             of service, and HRI assumes responsibility for human resources elements such as Payroll, Taxes and Workers' Compensation.

As the co-employer, HIGHPOINT RESOURCES INC provides a suite of human resources solutions designed to share the burdens and risks associated with being an employer.

A PEO is responsible for:

  • Performing a wide range of administrative services;
  • Payroll administration and payment of employment taxes;
  • Reporting, collecting and depositing employment taxes with state and federal authorities;
  • Managing Workers' Compensation issues;
  • Access to competitive quotes for General Liability (GL) insurance
